Another great day

It was – 5 this morning but by the time the sun came out about 9 am the temperature in the greenhouse rose to +20,8C that is amazing. Except for the cold wind it was a very pleasant day and I managed to spent most of it outside as I was fortunate enough to escape the work inside. Mike was making Mango chutney I only helped at the beginning and at the end. We make it as it is expensive to buy and fresh mangoes are easily available and are not too expensive and we like to make it ourselves.

The bees were a bit slow to come out today I am hoping to have a look at them tomorrow we are not suppose to have a cold night and during the day we are due to get +14 degrees, it is suppose to be sunny and warm, if it is I will have a quick peek at them. I am interested to see how they are doing and clean up the floor of the hive.

I have found out that Meddy loves to run in streams up and down it does not really matter how clean they are, wet is the goal really. She also loves to play with a ball on a string, watch out fingers we are working on the give command as it can be quite painful. Went out just above the house with Mike and saw some amazing clouds forming in the sky. Look how blue the sky looks. Meddy and the cats are getting on pretty well really, there is the odd chase but it can be controlled much better from Meddy’s side than the cats.

Have been skiing over the weekend, it was cold during the night so the slope was ever so hard, not much fun really.


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